The easiest mistake to make in legendary difficulty is to overextend by expanding too fast. These guides are not an in-depth breakdown on any faction or their late game campaign and battle strategies, however I have including tips and advice for the continuation of your campaigns at the end of each section. Hopefully with the help of this guide players can become more familiar playing battles in real time without pause and increase their level of battle micromanagement. I chose to write the guides playing with these difficulties both because they are my personal preference to play on balance wise (I find the extra hidden bonuses in battle on Very Hard difficulty make a lot of units obsolete) and to make it easier for newer players who have yet to take the leap to legendary where battles are played in real time without slow or pause.

To ensure the outcome of these guides I have tested the strategies in a minimum of 3 separate campaigns. While every campaign is different, the first ten turns can be manipulated to produce the same results. These guides have been designed to show the best way that I personally have found to start each campaign. These guides are intended to provide a step-by-step outline of the first 10 turns for each faction in the Mortal Empires campaign on Legendary campaign and Normal battle difficulty. If you happen to find a version of any of my guides published outside of steam, please let me know. I aim to keep the guides as up too date to the current state of the game as possible and have found other websites publishing versions of my guide, sometimes crediting me often not.
#Mortal empires campaign series
I have spent a lot of time and effort creating this series of guides to help other players learn the game. While imitation is the greatest form of flattery, plagiarism and profiteering are not. I DO NOT authorize the copying, redistribution or republishing of this guide or any other guides in the series outside of steam** **As the sole creator and content producer for this guide, and others in the First Ten Turn series,